The Feast of the Archangels

Make yourself familiar with the angels, and behold them frequently in spirit. Without being seeing, they are present to you. - Saint Francis de Sales The tradition of honoring the Archangel Michael on the 29th day of September dates back to the early part of the fifth century, when a basilica was dedicated in his honor on the Via Salaria in Rome. Since 1969, this day has been celebrated as a common feast honoring Michael and the Archangels Gabriel and Raphael (who had formerly been celebrated on March 24 and October 24, respectively). These three Archangels, and indeed all the hosts of heaven, are a "great multitude of very bright living lamps; they are the vast army of heavenly spirits, shining in the blessed light and living in great beauty and adornment, because when they were created by God they did not grasp at proud exaltation but strongly persisted in divine love" ( Saint Hildegard of Bingen , Scivias 1.2.1.). Honoring God with their whole beings, the An...