Monday of the First Week of Advent - St. Francis Xavier

Many will come from the east and west, and will recline with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob at the banquet of the Kingdom of Heaven. - Matthew 8:11 In the First Reading and Gospel of today’s Mass , we hear, as if for the first time, the promise of the Lord’s Advent: “For over all, the Lord’s glory will be a shelter and protection.” The promised Messiah, the Long-Awaited One of Israel, comes to offer salvation for all God’s children. Isaiah saw the vision of a world cleansed from its fear and sin, a world where God’s glory would be manifest to all. In Jesus, this promise is fulfilled. Opening our hearts to hear this promise in a new way this Advent, we remember the great missionary, Saint Francis Xavier . Inspired by no other motive than a desire to spread the Gospel, this holy, simple priest left the security of his Jesuit community to set out on a mission that took him to India, numerous islands in the South Pacific, Japan, and finally, to a small island off the...