Seeking the Transcendant

How can we begin to grow and see in the events of life the hand of God, and see in each other the face of Christ? Saint. Paul suggests the answer:
Let your thoughts be on heavenly things, not on the things that are in the earth. (Colossians 3:2)
That is the secret. Look beyond and above the things of men and earth. It is thereparadoxically, surprisingly and unexpectedlythat we begin to see the hand of God in the events of daily life, the face of Christ dimly outlined among those whom we know and love.

Stained glass window by Marc Chagall
in All Saints Church in Tudely, England

We have to seek constantly the transcendent, plunge more deeply into the mystery that is God, and worship him more reverently. Like him we must establish and deepen community life. We must refuse to be intimidated by opposition or oppression. We must seek every means of communicating freely with the peoples of today who, no matter under what political system they live, are starved of the word of truth and of the bread of life.

- from The Mystery of the Incarnation Cardinal Basil Hume, O.S.B.
O Oriens, O Radiant Dawn, splendor of eternal light, sun of justice: come, shine on those who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death.
-Magnificat Antiphon for December 21


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