Saint Turibius of Mongrovejo

Over the past several days I've been preparing for a webinar that I'll be giving for Paulist Evangelization Ministries on March 25 on the theme of discipleship. (As a side note, it's a free event and all are welcome to take part, so please consider "attending.") As part of my preparation, I've been re-reading sections of The Joy of the Gospel and some of Pope Francis' other writings and speeches. But, I've also been thinking about holy women and men whom I can use as examples of committed discipleship within the presentation. Although he didn't "make the cut," I couldn't help but give some thought to the saint the Church honors on March 23: Turibius of Mongrovejo. Saint Turibius was born in Spain in 1538. After teaching law at the University of Salamanca, he was appointed bishop of Lima, Peru, in 1580. A zealous pastor, he ministered to the people of Peru for the next twenty-five years. He traveled through the 18,000 square m...